Who are we?
Action Disability Kensington and Chelsea is an organisation run by and for disabled people.
We provide a range of services, groups and support for disabled people with physical, sensory and invisible impairments, who live or work in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.
We also campaign for access and inclusion.
We do this by providing:
Support and advice for disabled people who are isolated
Volunteers to deliver shopping and prescriptions
Disability-related Information and Advice services
Support and advice on accessing and using Personal Budgets/Community Care/Independent Living
Advice and Information on the end of the phone
A voice for disabled people in the Borough
We are a genuinely user-led disabled people’s organisation.
We work within the social model of disability – working towards removing the barriers that exclude or prevent disabled people from enjoying the same opportunities as our non-disabled peers.
Executive Committee Members
Stepanie Vaz - Chair
Jean Davies – Vice Chair
S B Abubakar - Treasurer
Adrian Berrill-Cox
Samuel Game
Deborah Graves
June Martin
Yamina Sari
Sandip Sodha
Hasnnaa Tourabi
David Webb