On Wednesday 19th July, ADKC Access Group members and staff attended the opening of a new Changing Places facility in Holland Park.
Changing Places toilets have a hoist, room for 2 support workers and a height adjustable changing bench, breaking down the barriers of inaccessible toilet facilities for disabled people with high support needs.
Read all about it!
Click here to visit the My London website for the interview with Mariya. [external webite]
Join the Access Group to campaign for a more inclusive borough.
Access Group meetings take place on alternate Thursday afternoons. For more information about the group, email Maryia at access@adkc.org.uk
Video and photos
The video below shows various people, including Access Group members, commenting on the new facility.
The following 7 photos show members of the access group, and others, exploring the new facilities.

Thanks to RBKC Communication Department for sharing the final 6 photos.